50 min drawing

by Rashuneagle, July 18th 2022 © 2022 Rashuneagle

50 min drawing from 2 hr session


Nice, you've got some good gesture along the back and legs. However, the arms are a bit off, possibly because you didn't have enough space left so you might want to focus on those more in the future.

Also, really good job on the shading around the but - It shows great variation in tone as well as curving around the shape of the model, showing that you are starting to understand the 3d forms well. Definetly practice shading like this more on the rest of the model!

Overal, great job in conveying the gesture and forms! Keep practicing and I look forward to seeing your improvement in the future :)


Pieds trop petits,pas de hanches, pas assez épais au niveau des côtes, épaules pas assez larges, bras trop fins. Ombres à retravailler.


