
by Asimpson0414, January 8th 2023 © 2023 Asimpson0414

My first impression is of balance and control. I see the strength of the subject through the arrangement of limbs around the balance point (all difficult to capture). You have clearly depicted a dancer transitioning from one pose to another (great work, the story has been told).

Clothes must move with the body but I don't quite see that here, particularly on the extended leg. The lower edge of the pant leg might be better drawn with two lines, crotch to back of knee and knee to foot following the form of the leg. Any folds in fabric would start at an anchor point (bump or protrusion like a knee cap). Good practice for this is to take a towel and drape it over different surfaces to observe how the folds behave.



Thanks for your response 😊 I'm not good with fabric yet. Do you know anyway to make the fabric more flowy?


Observation. Drape a towel over various objects,, then try to draw the major folds/shapes. Note where the fold starts, the angle it takes, and where it ends. Different fabric will behave differently, note the difference and you will be able to simulate that fabric in your work. Draw what it looks like (not what it is). Above all, have fun with it. Good luck,


