29sec gesture

by Naima, February 21st 2023 © 2023 Naima

Tried to improve gestures

Polyvios Animations

Say, pardon me, but I feel that your flow is most totally on the right track, but there's not completely enough forceful flow in your lightest lines. How would you kindly lighten those up with 3.5 hours of 25 second drawings to warm up, using your non-dominant hand? (504 scribbles) As a result, you could get your most lightest and most active and boldest strokes in your lines of action and rhythm. For more info, look.

It can totally help you.

Hope this has been helpful.

Darth Sidious2901

Use looser and more free lines and try to capture the shape of the figure. Doesn't have to be anatomically correct. Try this instead of making stick figures


