9 jul 2022

by Brilicol, July 13th 2023 © 2023 Brilicol
(5) 1 min colored pencil working on trying to get more consistent line, still a bit sketchy ik
Polyvios Animations
Good afternoon again, Brilicol,

Nicest job on your range of movements and actions of the lines and poses, Brilicol. I think your rawness of the shapes and lines are on the rightest track, but I feel like these poses could use the most largest but longest but liveliest lines and shapes in your gesture drawings. How would you love to loosen up but lighten up your colored lines with 61 more minutes of 29 second quickest poses?(3660/29≈126 quickest sketches of nudes and non-nudes)

As a result, if you do this bit of the most constructive of criticisms, then your lines of action and largest lines of rhythm will have the most action, most liveliness, and the most spontaneity in your storytelling pose drawings. For most info, please pick up a copy of Ben Caldwell's Action! Cartooning.

And so, my hat's off to you.

