© 2023 PiK
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 20 minutes in length.
Thanks Polyvios. From this evening I have begun practicing shorter time periods for each expression.
Wow! I love the strokes used for the hair, I goootta try out doing it like that. The only thing I can think of is that the woman's chin on the bottom looks a bit too short for where her mouth is. Keep up the good work! :)
Aunt Herbert
Good likeness of the models.
In regards to drawing hair, I think you can focus a bit more on shadow forms and highlights, to give the hairdo more volume and reduce the number of lines.
Hair are actually very convenient experimentation ground for shadow forms and highlights. They are so individual, that you don't have to be extremely careful in measuring exactly, because nobody will ever know, if that one quill was actually placed a bit differently on the reference, and if you keep the contrast between highlights and shadow forms strong, they will look extremely convincing with little extra effort.
In regards to drawing hair, I think you can focus a bit more on shadow forms and highlights, to give the hairdo more volume and reduce the number of lines.
Hair are actually very convenient experimentation ground for shadow forms and highlights. They are so individual, that you don't have to be extremely careful in measuring exactly, because nobody will ever know, if that one quill was actually placed a bit differently on the reference, and if you keep the contrast between highlights and shadow forms strong, they will look extremely convincing with little extra effort.
Great job on how well you've retained your relationships, after retaining your facial spaces, after retaining your facial gestures. Rock on! 🤘🤘🤘 But, the facial gestures all seem too rigid but stiff to me yet. How would you like to go for two 10-minute face and expression poses?
The reason why is because, your understanding of faces will become less stiff but more bold, powerful, but energetic. For further info, please look into a free PDF of Andrew Loomis' book Drawing The Head and Hands.
Good luck and thanks.