5mins poses
© 2024 Randyren997Done as part of a practice session with poses of 5 minutes in length.
My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses
Polyvios Animations
Hello, Randyren, welcome aboard, I'm Polyvios, and how are you?
Say, way to go on your recent efforts of forces over bone anatomy. I love the flow. I love the grace and ease,some of them, but I think you've shown some greatest potential yet. I feel that the 3d forms need the most organicness to them yet, if you learned how to retain the gestures in your organic forms.
I feel that the head is a 3d egg form, but the ribcage is kinda like an egg form, and therefore, the limbs could and would be more like fluidest cylinders, which are what we need to work on yet. Would you like to please go ahead with flexing and stretching your forms with 10 minutes of 2 minute drawings of figures, in addition, 10 minutes of 2 min. basic shapes? (10 drawings, two genres, five for each)
The logic behind this tip is because you can and will see the figure the most holistically yet, so that you wouldn't and couldn't get bogged down on the unimportant details. For most stuff available, please look into Love Life Drawing for free down here:👇👇👇👇
Hat's off to you!
Say, way to go on your recent efforts of forces over bone anatomy. I love the flow. I love the grace and ease,some of them, but I think you've shown some greatest potential yet. I feel that the 3d forms need the most organicness to them yet, if you learned how to retain the gestures in your organic forms.
I feel that the head is a 3d egg form, but the ribcage is kinda like an egg form, and therefore, the limbs could and would be more like fluidest cylinders, which are what we need to work on yet. Would you like to please go ahead with flexing and stretching your forms with 10 minutes of 2 minute drawings of figures, in addition, 10 minutes of 2 min. basic shapes? (10 drawings, two genres, five for each)
The logic behind this tip is because you can and will see the figure the most holistically yet, so that you wouldn't and couldn't get bogged down on the unimportant details. For most stuff available, please look into Love Life Drawing for free down here:👇👇👇👇
Hat's off to you!
Especially if you aim towards drawing from imagination, you should try to build up a collection of effective shortcuts, to be able to build the human figure from simple forms.
Ribcage as egg-line form, shoulderline consisting of clavicula and arm joints, pelvis as a sphere or box, head as 3d oval, neck and limbs as tubes, the spine as it is indicated by the position of ribcage and pelvis. You are struggling to reengineer them at drawing pace from observing surface details, and naturally lose the proportions in that process.
There are several possible paths to improve. You could follow a beginner's course on the human figure. I generally recommend Human Figure Fundamentals on proko.com, not, because it is the only one online, but because that is the one that I did, and it worked for me. Free version includes all that is urgent to know.
Another possibility could be to go to an arts store, and buy yourself one of those posable mannequins for artists, and practice drawing that. Yes, it looks very simplified, but that is not a bug, that is the feature. It is much easier to add all those pretty details to a simplified abstraction, that already defines the proportions, then to try to assemble a convincing form by aggregating details towards each other, without having developed a keen sense of scale.