30 minute session in digital

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Parmilla 1 year ago.

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  • #28903

    Hi! I have just returned from a long, very long drawing hiatus. In my teens was probably the last time I was really drawing with a purpose, but since that almost 10 years have passed and after some many years I do feel rusty, and is kinda discouraging to try to relearn everything again, to try to feel that flow, it feels like I'm always crashing with some walls, also I was never "good", so now, as a resolution I would like to be the best artist that I can be and I'm trying to consciously learn and practice, there is so much time to make up for, believe me that every critique will mean so much to me, I want to improve as fast as I can, and I know how important the external input is.
    I do have here 2 30 minutes sessions, I have been reading some Bridgeman for construction, maybe you will notice that



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    I feel like you're focusing more on hammering the anatomy and making sure things look right rather than how the drawing actually feels. You have an understanding of anatomy, and the figures look good, but they don't look like gesture drawings (IMO). I notice a lot of the drawings feel more boxy and rigid, not as loose and simplistic as gesture normally is. Maybe try to free up your strokes and hand, start with more simplistic gestures to describe the body, and see where it leads you?

    I'm new to drawing, so sorry if this isn't pertinent and/or helpful.

    1 1 1

    Thank you Johnny!

    And you are right, although I would like to really pin the anatomy down I think that in my construction I lost sight of the flow and fluidity needed in a gesture drawing, I will try to be more energetic and flow-oriented rather than having the "right" proportions but all rigid and lifeless.



    Hey Parmilla

    Your simplification of the human forms are looking incredible, try not to get too down about where you're at; I have a habit of doing the same, but I'm sure you can see nuggets of gold every now and then as I can in your work. I'd say if you want to work at capturing more energy and movement, try your best to avoid using straight lines and take risks when using curved lines for your gestures. At this stage, try your best to look past the anatomy, like Johnny was suggesting, and notice the action and direction the parts of the body are taking.

    Be patient, avoid worrying about the time it'll take to reach your goal, you'll get there!

    Best of luck


    Thank you so much An Otherworld!

    You are right, since Johnny's critique I listened and have been focusing less on construction and more on the flow of the figure, I have been using more circles and ovals to have more organic shapes and overall I do think my figures look more alive and less stiff, I'm attaching one of my previous studies having that in mind https://drive.google.com/file/d/1887tOvcq2oklEXAfxaEJQE3Z3uiSA9Rz/view?usp=sharing

    I also get what you say about these "nuggets of gold" It is really strange hahah, but everytime I found one of those, even in the most ordinary of the studies, I treat it as some sort of magnum opus and then I have some kind of fear that I will never achieve something like that ever again. And of course with time you see it as it is, just something slightly better than the usual, but also and indicator of improvement, but definitely not your best work, and the situation is really funny to me, maybe something related with the Dunning-Krueger effect.

    Thanks again, and have a nice day!


    I see the work you've done so far, Parmilla, and I see that you've got the flow and rhythm and tempo going in those graphic shapes and lines of these figures. Keep going.

    Yet, I'm still not getting enough of the exaggerated and caricatured, and satirized grace and flow of the shapes and lines. Would you also kindly free up your poses and lines of action and acting with 1 hour of 30 second scribbly poses, and 1.5 hour of those drawings? As a result, your poses will become the more dynamic, lively and spontaneous acting and animation, whether or not you dream of being an animator, then I'd recommend it. (so that you don't pay too much attention to the details, and more into the straghts and curves) Practice makes better progress and the best. If you really need some more inspiration, watch here.

    Cheers to you, and good night on your progresses.


    Hello Polyvios!

    I have noticed that as you said, my most recurrent critiques are about the stiffness of my figures hahah. The exercise you are recommending sounds super effective against that rigid and unnatural standing of my figure, I do think it will help me loosen a little bit my strokes and the overall anatomy of the figure, I can´t wait to give it a try. I will be sharing my results with you.

    Thank you!

    Have a nice day :D

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