60 sec, just got back into gestures after years

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Aunt Herbert 3年前.

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  • #27601
    The topic title says about everything, please be as harsh as needed, I'm a little lost in terms of what to focus on / improve. I assume one issue might be that not all of them are finished, perhaps 70-80 seconds would be better for this kind of stuff?
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    You must have been really good those years ago, or you didn't forget much. You are a bit rusty with some proportions, and your lines could be a bit smoother, but I don't see a specific mistake that jumps out to me. I would say, just get more practice in. And, actually the advantage of those short sketches is, they allow for a lot of repetition to train your ole muscles up to speed again. Those extra 10-20 secs won't change much, when you are back in the flow.
    Thank you! Hmm I have noticed that I do have some proportions issues from time to time but its very helpful to hear it confirmed, maybe i should recheck the basics of anatomy just in case lol. Thank you for the input! :) I'll keep doing these daily and keep it in mind
    While I did stop drawing gestures, I did keep on drawing other things, so that might be why
    I guess rechecking the basics of anatomy is never a waste of time, but what I really mean is: You check for proportions while drawing anyways, so there will be a natural growth just by practicing.

    If you come to a point, where you feel dissatisfied with your style, you can switch it up, either by varying your tools and means, or by looking into special techniques and methods. But that pretty much would have to be an artistic decision following your very own taste. For now, there are no obvious problems with your sketches, so there can't be obvious advice from anyone else. The burden of coming up with problems is all yours, Mr./Mrs. Artist. :D

    What you maybe could do is critiquing other artists. Looking at some "beginner" stuff, reflecting on what you would have done differently, and trying to put it into words, can give you a new point of view on your own skills and techniques. And if you see something which gives you the feeling: "Maaan, I wish I could do that", then there is some inspiration for further development right there.

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