Need critique on my quicksketch lesson.

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Kittykatc 5年前.

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  • #3759

    I only recently (a few months) started doing gesture and figure quick-sketches, but I almost never got my work critiqued, so your thoughts would be really appreciated.

    Here's a 15 min session:


    The source of the reference, if you'd like to check, is Croquis Café's figuary day 4.

    I think I messed up the 5-min pose, to be honest. I feel it's too short to think about the forms, but too long to just get quick gestural line. Any tips on that?
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    Your drawings look good! Gesture drawings aren't usually going to look like a finished drawing, unless you plan to spend hours and hours on it. A successful gesture drawing will show how the basic form of the body is moving in the pose, aim for the flow rather than details.

    The proportions read well, but your line quality is detracting from the overall sketch. Keep up the good work, I hope I helped!

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