Need help with gesture drawing 1 min

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Polyvios Animations 1年前.

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  • #30590
    Hello, im new at painting and i was trying to do some gesture drawing but i think im doing something wrong and im not sure what it is.

    Can u pls lend me a hand and tell me some things to improve?

    These are some of the drawings I've just made:

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    Hi Josefe, the good message, you aren't doing anything wrong, you have been following the tutorial very diligently, and I actually see your lines developing in a good direction.

    The bad message, you probably can't see that direction at all and are confused. The reason for that, the tutorial on this site is extreeeemely abbreviated and condensed to fit into one page of text and a few pop ups between drawing sessions. Everything written in the tutorial is true, essential and important, but learning to draw from that is like learning to fly a plane by following the instructions on the back of a cereal box.

    I recommend the Human Figure Fundamentals course on . The free version is entirely sufficient. It follows basically the same drawing concept as the tutorial on this page, but it takes itself 32 hours of videos, with instructions and practices to follow, to fully explain the concept.

    I could try to give you individual advice on your drawings, and how to progress, but I would mostly quote from memory from Proko's course for these first steps, so it probably just makes more sense to point you towards the original source of most of my basic understanding of the human form.
    Hello Josefe, the great message, I don't think you're doing anything wrong with that drawing. I can tell you've been following the tutorial very dillgently, but I can totally see your lines moving in a great direction.

    But the bad message is, that the poses are still too stiff to me yet. How would you like to try the interactive drawing tutorial here?

    The reason why you could and would go for this again is because your understanding of the basic fundamentals will be done less stiff but more dynamic, expressive and flowing.

    And if you wanna have more inspiration, please look into some tutorials on Proko's website and YouTube channel, free of charge. The premium videos come with some prices, but the free ones are all entry level for all students.

    My hat's off to you.

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