playlists etc

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Kim 3 weeks ago.

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  • #32457

    I can't find info on many site features. How do you set-up a playlist, what exactly are the features they offer, how do you adjust the list etc? The site does need a more comprehensive FAQ or a detailed overview section.

    Great site by-the-way, extremely useful as I speed up to improve my reportage/event recording work.

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    I'm glad you're finding it useful!

    If you're a subscriber, you can go here: and choose the button "create new playlist"

    You'll have to pick what kind of playlist - animals, humans, etc.

    It *should* be fairly explanatory from there, choose the "add more images" button and find the images you want to put on the list. You can then drag your chosen images around if you want them in a certain order.

    I agree we need more help content. I'll try for that with the new version; little point in creating it now that I'm about to replace things. :)


    Hi Kim,

    Thanks for the help. I must be missing something but when I hit the add more images button all I get is a blank dialogue box (on my ipad and android phone). Not sure why,



    Huh, that is interesting. I see it okay on my desktop; I'll do more testing on my phone.

    That said, this may be something I can't address until we release the new version, hopefully in just a few weeks.


    Hi Kim,

    I think the issue is only with scenes and environment. I have been setting-up playlists for the other drawing tools, really useful feature!

    Many thanks,



    Oh, that's very useful to know! Thank you so much for the update.

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