Hi folks, so i've been doodling on & off for a long time but really struggle with the quicksketches, some days i'm happy(ish) but mostly I just get tempted to move on to poses of 2 minutes + so they can look slightly better, which I know isn't ideal.<br>
I say 'gestures' in inverted commas because on quicksketches I tend to just keep the pencil on the paper/ ipad & skate around lightly & quickly then just put more pressure down when I want a line to count, so it's not really like any guide to gesture that i've seen, I just can't make the decisive flowing lines on quicksketches & this way I tend to end up with something at least :D <br>
I struggle most with almost straight ahead poses, if it's an almost dead centre forwards or backwards pose I just go straight for the outlines & mostly they turn out badly, does anyone else find this kind of pose harder? The more twist or stretch a pose has the happier I am drawing it, even if it does turn out terribly.
Anyway, i've attached some 1 minute poses from today, any tips would be greatly appreciated, all the reference & life drawing you can do online now is great, but the one thing I miss is real feedback