Volunteer Support?

首頁 論壇 支持與建議 Volunteer Support?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Kim 5 years ago.

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  • #550

    Hey, some of us learning artists (like myself) may also be web developers. Is there any way we could help the site by contributing our time?

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    Hi electromaya! Please do get in touch with Kim about what your experiences are and how much time you can invest. :) I don't know all the details and where help may be needed (if any at all), so I can't make any promises, but we do appreciate the offer!



    Thanks for your interest and your offer! I am unable to accept this type of help. The site is not open source, and we need to treat the security of our users seriously. Thank you though. :)

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