
  • 作者
  • #28819
    Good morning, afternoon or evening (which ever it is for you). I started doing gestures after a break for a few weeks, and would like some feedback on them please.

    Originally I didn't think of posting them, so of course I used a 2H pencil - If any of them are too hard to see, please ignore them and don't stress your eyes. The first page is especially light.

    Regarding my gestures, I believe my next step(s) is to better portray form and weight. But I'd like to know what y'all think.
    Thank you very much!
    • Kuvia edited this post on September 2, 2022 2:17pm. Reason: changing title to better suit what I want replies to be about
    I just realized I didn't say please OR thank you. Oops that was rude of me.
    Hi! I've done gesture drawing for the last few months but it's never felt "right". I was hoping for some guidance :)

    My lines are quite light because I need to get away from being so heavy handed, so I apologize for any difficulty seeing the lines. (I tried putting it into a scanner but it actually shows up much worse, so I'm unsure if there's a way to make them more visible. And of course there are points where I don't finish in time)

    Here are my 2 minute gestures: https://imgur.com/a/tayPnvf