
by Nico67100, September 23rd 2018 © 2018 Nico67100
Mrsnthj (unregistered visitor)
I love your execution of facial expressions, you seem to have a practiced, skilled eye for nuiance! I feel like there's some consistent blocky, square patterns in some of the face shapes - your curved lines that I can find are beautiful and I'd love to see some of that softness added overall. Also, it seems like there might be a bit of "compression" to the overall drawings. If you're not already, I'd recommend making sure that your surface is "propped up" while you're drawing, rather than laying flat.
Thank you for your comment!
Polyvios Animations
Greatest job on your range of movement, expression, and dynamic emotions in your faces and expressions, but they all still see, too rigidest but boring to me yet. Would you kindly go ahead with 5 more minutes of 30 second faces and expressions, in order to completely loosen up, all drawn underhanded, but all drawn with your non-dominant hand?

The reason behind this logical premise is because, your lines will become the least stiffest, but least blandest, but the most completely and totally cartooniest, funniest, therefore mostly exaggerated, if you wish to do the most insanely funniest caricatures. For all details, please pick up a copy of the 2 Walt Stanchfield ebooks on Kindle or on PDFs.

My hat's off to you.😁😁😁😀😀😀🎉🎉🎉