Figure 35

by Tx Williep, October 19th 2020 © 2020 Tx Williep

Pen & Ink Life drawing


The hands look a little large in proportion to the head, but that's just from a quick glance. Try changing up the size a bit and see if it looks more natural


The hands look a little large in proportion to the head, but that's just from a quick glance. Try changing up the size a bit and see if it looks more natural

Tx Williep

Thank you for critiquing my drawing. I am not interested in making things look natural. I will exaggerate things if I think it will support the picture. This was a timed pen & ink figure. When you draw a short timed picture, you do not have time to sit there with your finger in your ear. You have to get with it. You could also criticize the foot. It is larger because of perspective. It is closer to the viewer. (The measure of the foot is one head. )

Again, thank you.

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