Standing Man
© 2020 PCONTE
Done as part of a 1 hour class.
My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form
Figure Study: 25 min
you got the forms right, now try and get more into the meat of the drawing. Try to get some shading and detail in.
You are trying to draw the muscle groups under the skin, good observation! The proportioin still need to pay attention at. Try to locate joints like the elbows, knees before draw them all. Find how each part relate to each other and even think of the negative space will help. Nice job, keep working!
Proportion-wise, the figure on the right is better than the one on the left (left looks like the legs are too short). In fact it looks like the figure on the left you went right to the details without first sketching out the overall figure. Overall I would first focus on getting the proportions right before moving on to the details.