© 2021 Tx Williep
Twins- watercolor on 12 in x16 in cold press 200 lb paper. The figures are from my life drawings. I just got a new phone & am trying to get it under control. Painting was sold.
Tx Williep
Thank you so much for your critique. Looking at the painting straight on, the light is coming from the left. The figure on the right upper body is twisted a little to the left and is seen somewhat in profile. Therefore the left breast is seen in profile. The new phone camera did capture the color very nicely (I like the colors, also). What further work are you suggesting? I consider the painting finished.
Again, I want to thank you for your critique.
Again, I want to thank you for your critique.
Polyvios Animations
Well, good for your on your figure painting piece, txWilliep, that's very excellent indeed.
Again, if I could give you some completely and totally honest advice, then it would be to please do 12 more minutes of 2 minutes poses, in soft pencil on newsprint. Soft graphite sticks such as Faber-Castell. Would you please do these? The reason why is because, it would and could help you out on your current goal on practicing and mastering your gesture sketching. Keep up the excellent work on your watercolor painted poses and compositions.
Keep up the good work.
Again, if I could give you some completely and totally honest advice, then it would be to please do 12 more minutes of 2 minutes poses, in soft pencil on newsprint. Soft graphite sticks such as Faber-Castell. Would you please do these? The reason why is because, it would and could help you out on your current goal on practicing and mastering your gesture sketching. Keep up the excellent work on your watercolor painted poses and compositions.
Keep up the good work.
Tx Williep
Thank you for your critique of my painting. I have not heard from you for a while (of course, I have not put anything in for a while). Hope you are well. The work was & is intended to be an entry in a local art center exhibit. The whole work took a lot more than 2 min (we are talking hours to do the work). This work originally intended to be a watercolor painting. The figures are from my life drawings. I did one last Fall which sold the morning when the exhibit opened. I am hoping to repeat with this painting. We will see.
Again, thank you again for your critique.
Again, thank you again for your critique.
Notice that the right woman is facing a little forward in your drawing, so her breast should be a hidden at the poing it connects with the body.
I love your colors, and I notice that you did a light-source from the right side. However, it could use some further work.
I like it, good luck!