25 min drawings from class time
© 2022 Marcine
Your shading is very well done; however, consider double-checking plumb lines and proportions before adding details ... this makes it easier to erase when realizing something's off (personal experience *sigh*)
The girl on the left has much better composition, but there is something off with her right hip.
Overall. I love you use of white for the highlights contrasting well-blended darks and textures.
The girl on the left has much better composition, but there is something off with her right hip.
Overall. I love you use of white for the highlights contrasting well-blended darks and textures.
I agree with all said. i think it will take more practice to get htis on track. Do you have any sugestions for how to check plumb lines? I have been holding my drawing tool up to the angles and then trying to transfer that same ange to the paper. Any other tips are appreciated.
These drawings are from a class format of female nudes. The first page is the quick gestures and the next 2 we're 25min online.
Im struggling a bit with proportion, head hands but it will come again with practice. It's amazing to me how One day it comes and the next it doesn't. Lol!
Suggestions welcomed.