20th April 2023
© 2023 Embralona
Pracicing some more expressions, this time with markers. Just experimenting without pressure. I need and want practice and that's what I'm aiming for, not perfection.
Beautiful work. Insteresting way to use two marker colors, Im not familiar with the technique. It gives the pieces a very take on me rotoscope feel. Whenever I see you work, I really have to look at it to figure out how to critique it, since faces are a huge blindspot in my studies.
Markers are such a cool way to draw, since its harder to correct, so each stroke has to be very powerful and thought out. Marking over the lighter colors is such a fun workaround for this problem. I might try it to make some looser figure drawings.
THe hands are better this time on your ten minute piece! (at least on the blue lines). You didn't over complicate them this time! These faces must feel like a curve ball when the expression is intrinsically ties with the hands. Really looking at the ten minute piece, the extra time almost hurt you. The face about as well rendered as the 5 minute faces. Might be the difficulty with the medium since its harder to do shading with markers and you may have felt that the extra five minutes was not enough time.
I think the next time you do a marker study like this, maybe switch to a new page so you have more space to work with.
I really wrack my brain to effectivelly critique your work lol. They really are beautiful pieces
Markers are such a cool way to draw, since its harder to correct, so each stroke has to be very powerful and thought out. Marking over the lighter colors is such a fun workaround for this problem. I might try it to make some looser figure drawings.
THe hands are better this time on your ten minute piece! (at least on the blue lines). You didn't over complicate them this time! These faces must feel like a curve ball when the expression is intrinsically ties with the hands. Really looking at the ten minute piece, the extra time almost hurt you. The face about as well rendered as the 5 minute faces. Might be the difficulty with the medium since its harder to do shading with markers and you may have felt that the extra five minutes was not enough time.
I think the next time you do a marker study like this, maybe switch to a new page so you have more space to work with.
I really wrack my brain to effectivelly critique your work lol. They really are beautiful pieces
I really like your layering of colours through the use of marker, and the illustrations communicate the expressions clearly. I would be interested in seeing how your work looks with a fine-liner.
Elliesaurus Art
These look great! I like the stylisation and your use of colour. I'm also impressed that you lined up the features so well without guidelines, (I'm assuming you didn't use them as I can see any in this image). I can't see any problems with these aside from maybe the messiness, but that seems intentional and suits the style. Only one of these (The blue and grey one) really seems to have a distinct expression, the others look pretty deadpan, but I haven't seen the reference images so I can't say how well you captured the expression of the reference.
And so, my hat's off to you.