Day 5
© 2024 Shadonis
I've started to get a hang of placing the rib cage, but still have issues with the hips as well as limb orientation. Again I would appreciate any exercises that you might be able to suggest to Aid in proportions.
Say, I think you're doing a mighty fine job on your ribcages, and the hips, and the limbs. I feel that the gestures along with the proportions and silhouettes still could use some work, too. Would you like to please go ahead with 46 minutes of 2 minute figure drawings, if you haven't already?(23 sketches)
'The reason you could do this constructive critique is because you can and will be more selective but holistic with your figure poses and line quality in them. For more information, here is this little video from Love Life Drawing, I mean, Drawing Life:
Good luck with you and your journey of progress.