Faces and fun with loomis 3

by Pastabrother, April 26th 2024 © 2024 Pastabrother
I still have trouble with noses... need to put more focus there next month.
Hola Pastabrother! Como estas? Soy Facundo pero me podes decir Fackita. Estuve viendo un par de tus trabajos y veo que te centras mucho en terminarlos. Debe ser realmente divertido y se nota en tu forma de trabajar, pero en el caso de que quieras centrarte en mejorar te recomiendo hacer muchos dibujos mas en menos tiempo. Y aprovechando que podes digitalizar, utiliza la opcion de espejar la imagen ( invertirla horizontalmente ). Cuando uno pasa mucho tiempo en un dibujo tiende a saltearse errores por acostumbramiento del ojo, que cuando uno invierte la imagen, al refrescar al ojo, los errores aparecen enseguida frente a uno.

Con esos dos tipos no dudo en que vas a mejorar mucho :)

Por lo que vi en tus trabajos, se nota mucho tu avance desde que aplicas el metodo loomis hasta el dia de la fecha, asi que buen trabajo!!! Sin duda que con practica vas a llegar muy lejos! :)))

Saludos desde Argentina
Polyvios Animations
Hi, Pastabrother. How are you? Nicest works on your Loomis head construction method on your faces, but, I'm not getting into enough specifics yet, so would you like to please look into the Asaro head construction, so that you could get into most planes?
@ Fackita

Thank you for your reply... It changed some of my perspective... I actualy do a ton of simple and unfinished drawings... I just feel more fomfortable to share more finished pieces with others... and also it is where I want to go... so the goal is to create complexe and fleshed out drawings... and I need that from time to time to keep my motivation burining. I also allways thought more finished pieces show more where I still have to improve. So what I upload shows more about my comfort-zone and less about my output or quantity of drawings. But it helped me to rethink what I share here on line of action...

and that I maybe i have to think more of my simpler und unfinished art then "this ist just a exercise"


Thx for the idea with the Asaro head... I didn't know that and I find it very intriguing, thx.

I also found some very helpfull tutorials with the reference to asaro und planes of the face for example:


This will help to deepen my understanding of shading...

So I still have way to go... and I am looking forward to the voyage...
Aunt Herbert
Just comparing the midtones on the cheeks between your pencil drawing and your final version, I think you lost some definition there. The shapes on your pencil drawing define the cheekbones as 3-dimensional objects, in your final version it's all smoothed over and washed out. I have seen this overblending of transitions with other digital drawings, and I think it is a general peril. Can't tell you how to avoid it, as I don't have much experience with digital myself, all I can tell you is to stay wary about not dropping into uncanny valley and turning every reference into a plastic doll.
Hello pastabrother, i love the original flair of the pencil sketch, but i feel that you have lost the definition in some of the forms when you digitalized them. I hope this helps, keep practicing!

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