Hi all,
I've been gesturing on and off now for about a year or a bit longer.
You can find my gesture pics here:
I generally do 30, 45 or 60 sec gestures and I find the 60 secs a bit too long, but it's nice to relax a few seconds.
I'd like to hear from you guys, if I'm capturing the line of action, i.e. the force of the gesture well enough ... and can you see the figure twisting ... is there any weight/gravity working?
When I look at my gestures, I can remember the photo I was using as reference so lividly, that I'm not 100% sure about the result some times.
Anyhow, I think I'm on the right track. And the best advice I can give you all is perseverance. Keep to the gesture drawing on a very regualar basis, read up on a few things. And try not to compare your works to anybody elses.
Anyway, have fun here!
Bye, Stu