October 20, 2012 1:44pm #681Ah sorry, I missread that part about restating and restarting :o
Looking at my post again now makes it seem kind of hostile actually :<
That was not my intention. I'm greatful for the advice actually. Sorry if it came across overly agressive :<October 20, 2012 12:31pm #679So. I took my time to read this now. I'd agree with most of it, but I have a few remarks to make:
<em><strong>Restating your lesson plan</strong></em>
<em>The above lesson plan covers all that you need in the right order of being a better artist.</em>
<em>This lesson plans does leave out a few things like types of mediums to use, or rendering style or presentation, all of which could make your art unique. </em>
Dude, I didn't plan to be perfect after these 100. Why would I restart? Isn't the whole point of this to improve in certain areas and NOT focusing on everything at the same time? After the first 100 there will be the next 100 with new possibilities, until then I'll stick to my plan.
<em>My three pointers for you.</em>
<em>1. Ignore render style for the moment. The plan is to improve your anatomy skills. Once you have hit your goals, then move on a new lesson plan to work on rendering skills or play with different mediums (digital, oils, pens, mixed media, etc)</em>
You just said I should restart my plan and consider rendering styles @_@ That comes later @_@ (When the time comes, the medium will most likely be tablet pen on Wacom board and the render style will be realistic first and manga later)
<em>2. Do this lesson plan for you and only you. If’ you are uncomfortable showing it to anyone, don’t. If you do make it public and work better under the pressure of your peers asking how much you have done, that’s fine too. But make it a point to document your progress, archiving it online or offline.</em><em>I strongly say this because time and again, it’s necessary to go back to your first drawings and see how far you have progressed. This self evaluation will keep you motivated.</em>
Well you have seen my tumblr blog, haven't you? ô.o
<em>Now with respect to #4. Learn to draw from imagination instead of references.</em>
<em>Drawing from imagination is bloody tough, but you only get better with practice.</em>
<em>My art always turns out pretty ugly the first time. I erase or delete so many times till I get it the way I like. I used to see artists draw live and shietz, these people were soo skilled! It was very intimidating to see some one soo skilled just make something out of thing air. It was only later that I realized that these artists use <a href="&feature=plcp">techniques</a> and practice drawing similar pieces, a ton of times before doing it live/publishing it.</em>
<em>ok, bye bye</em>
At the moment 70% of what I draw is from imagination and only a few figures are drawn from books and pictures. I usually mention it in the picture if I drew a figure from a book. As I said, I feel like I only learn how to trace the lines rather than the way things work if I do that. It might come in handy for details like facial expressions and stuff like that, but for now I try to do as much as I can from memory by constructing the figures. What I do instead is, that I look at references for different topics and then try to iplement those in my drawings. I usually start by copying one or two images from a book, but after that I try to work from imagination most of the time.
Finally I'd like to suggest to you to stop using the eraser, at least until you're done with the drawing. You are erasing your line of reference and you'll have a harder time finding the right line with the next stroke once the "wrong" one is erased.October 15, 2012 4:30pm #673Wehee long post. I'll try to go through the list later tonight, but at the moment I have work to do. Thanks for the help :)October 14, 2012 5:53pm #671<a title="I was productive over the past few days and hoped someone in here could give me some advice on where to go from here." href="http://my100project.tumblr.com/post/33561861073/i-guess-i-was-productive-over-the-last-two-days">I was productive as well over the past few days and hoped someone here could give me an idea on where to go from here.</a> Proportions are getting better I guess, so maybe anatomy would be next?
October 10, 2012 10:59pm #660Good god sylvester, stop uploading stuff that frustrates people of lesser skill and practice =<October 3, 2012 11:31am #646Welcome Finn. Linking is easy. Just mark some of the text you're writing, then click on the chain icon of the editor and paste the URL you want to link to into the URL textfield.
image can be posted directly when you click "HTML" in the top right corner of the editor and use the img tag… Or not… Why does the tag get removed after posting?? Oh well, I guess you'll have to make do with <a title="like this one" href="//i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/103/740/Me%20Gusta.png?1318992465" alt="asda" />">regular links</a> for now.September 29, 2012 1:24am #630Woah, hey Kim, you of all people can't stop this. You inspired us to do everything you've seen in this topic. How are we supposed to keep faith without your good example? ;)September 28, 2012 3:00pm #627Well thanks. I guess I am halfway decent at drawing from reality… Not so much when I draw from imagination as you may have noticed after looking at my last few pictures…
The book looks good, but of course the German Amazon page doesn't have it >_<September 28, 2012 12:12pm #625Stop making me feel bad about my stuff with your superior skills El Bow :(
Seriously though, good job, keep it up.September 27, 2012 1:12am #620Jo Sylvester,
looks like you're making good progress. I'm not sure if you aren't doing it that way already, but take a look at this video. It's not about the blending but the colder and warmer colors in shadowed and lit areas.
<a href="&feature=BFa&list=PLF08BA32014D7BF98&index=6">&feature=BFa&list=PLF08BA32014D7BF98&index=6</a>
The style is a bit comicy, but if you pick less extreme warmer and colder variations of your base color, this might help your pictures? Well that stuff is still beyond my level anyway, I just remembered the video and thought I'd share it with you. Keep up the good work.
I also updated <a title="my blog" href="http://my100project.tumblr.com/">my blog</a>, but the results are worse than yesterday... I spent less time on the pictures so that was probably to be expected, but I got to experiment a bit in exchange so I guess it was worth it nonetheless.September 26, 2012 3:08am #612Thanks, I appreciate that :)
I am about to begin my BA-semester which means that this may have been a bad time to start the project, but I am sick of making excuses like that ("now is a bad time, because xyz"). So yeah keep reminding me not to slack. 15-30 minutes a day should easily be possible no matter what.September 26, 2012 2:45am #610Hey there,
I had this site bookmarked for quite some time already, but I never really <em>used</em> it. This 100-project thing is a great motivator though, so I started a blog which I'll update as often as possible from now. Thanks for the inspiration :)
http://my100project.tumblr.com/ -