Forumberichten van MoonYeah

  • Auteur
  • #1039
    Are you working on a software? If so you might want to take advantage of using different layers.

    By beginning on one to construct your character with rough lines, maybe one more to add clothes and stuff like hairs.

    When you are done and your character feels right, create another layer on wich you can begin refining it like if you were iking on top of a crayon work.

    Now to improve the way you draw :

    At first i don't know if you considered this picture a finished one in the first place, but, the difference of stroke between the body, the hairs and the clothes just don't seems fine to me, it's the reason i advised you to use different layers at first, or maybe just make a rough sketch on paper and scan it before "inking"

    After that, try to think about the things that make a female body look like a female body .
    It's not just a story of boobs or just face.
    The best way to find out is just to compare with models, both male and female.
    Find out the differences of proportions, it can be subtle sometime, here for example the "overall" proportions seems fine, but when looking more precisely i can see that some parts are not so obvious to you, like the hips, the transition between legs and crotch, the clavicle, how breasts really are made and where are they attached etc...

    I recommend you to go take a look here :

    I also feel you are not very comfortable with hands, and that's the reason you are hiding it behind the body, of course you can do that, but remember that you won't level up if you do not try ^^.
    Believe me, i was doing the same mistake at first, hiding things i was not capable to do right, but at the end, when i looked at my old drawings, i couldn't tell how i used to draw hands in the first place, cause i was just avoiding drawing them.

    And remember that using references is not a crime ^^.

    Hope it helps!

    Ok i see,

    Thing is, i'm not particularly comfortable myself with the class option, i tried it once, and i really felt like i wanted just to do a lot of short poses and some of them i actually paused it to go much further in details.

    I guess it's a matter of taste.

    The thing i find interesting in doing lot of short poses is that it shows you the human body in lots of situation, it shows you more or less how it works, what it can do, what is the limit etc...

    So when you go for the longer pose i think you are a bit more able to see the important information that will help you put the first landmarks of the body.
    But really, you make as you feel it's the best for you, drawing should always be fun ^^.

    I think at first that improving your observation and construction of the overall drawing will let you more time to focus on details.

    And also try to think "go from large to tiny" so if you are drawing toes one by one it means that every bigger piece of the drawing is actually OK, if it's not the case you might want to correct them.

    And also, try to draw lot of short poses, and when you are happy with one (but don't want to waste it) you click the pause button if you want to put more detail, if you think you are doing crap, or going too much in details, you open the model in another tab and continue drawing short poses, after few of them you come back to your longer drawing, etc...

    I think it's a good exercise cause the most important part of your drawing, and the one you might want to take to a higher level, is the first lines and intentions.
    And also, it's not some kind of competition, so don't worry about the time you spend on a drawing, it's better to take "THE" time to do things the right way, and trying to get faster at the same time, not just going fast and not being in control.

    At the same time, sometime, too much time is wasted time ^^ (it makes lot of time in the same sentence lol)

    And your drawing are not that bad, of course try not to put a HUGE leg on one side and a tiny one on the other ^^.
    But for example i liked the one on the bottom left, the women on her back, i think you are on some good way and you can improve! just practice ^^

    And you are welcome, i'm really happy if it's actually helpful ^^.

    I just replied to another user and i invite you to read my comment, i really think it would be useful to you cause it's exactly the same issue i see here, the link will be at the end of my post :

    But just to precise a bit about your drawing, i think there is a big problem of observation with the male character and that you should be careful about proportions, look at the size difference between his two legs...
    So now, maybe it's about the picture you used to actually do this drawing, maybe the model was in a particular position and with a particular angle of view that makes you think it's actually like that, but i'm sure there is something "too" or "not enough" somewhere, always keep in mind that if something looks weird on a photo, there is an explanation, and you will have to be really careful about it cause it will look way more weird on a drawing.

    After that, be careful about the way you use shading, i would recommend to use cross hatching at first to indicate shadows, and to keep away from brushes, if you keep working on computer try to work with a thin brush (9 pixels maximum) and don't change it while you draw, try to work as if you just had paper and a pen.


    At first, no need to be harsh to give good critique ^^.

    You don't need a kick in the ass when there are just good advices to provide, sooooo :

    Well, ok let's get straight to the point, i think the biggest problem with your drawing is the "construction" and by this i can say that your biggest weakness is OBSERVATION.

    So what does that mean, it means that i could say a lot of things about this drawing, i could say something like "right arm is too long" or "his shoulder seems to be detached from his body" "right hand is bigger than the left one" etc...

    Of course you could simply correct that and your drawing will get a bit more better.

    But lets get to real advices :

    Pointing issues on ONE particular drawing will not help you, i think what you need is getting away from 30 minutes drawing at first, you need to warm up, so try to begin with shorter poses, like 30 seconds or 2 minutes, i think 2 minutes is the maximum to begin, but really try to make as much as possible of those short poses.

    WHY? Because you need to train your eye and warm up your hand, arm and shoulder, to draw well after at least 30 min of warming up. Ok?

    You also have to keep one thing in mind, this one thing is the one you lack the most here, it's about observation, measures, construction, they are all the same thing, no matter how you call it.
    It's about really looking at the model, really being able to know exactly to put this stroke that will, say, indicates the neck for example.

    The thing here is that you are actually trying to "finish" your drawing, by putting values to indicates shadows etc, but at first your model is not so well structured, so it's like you are painting a wall that is about to collapse (one of my teachers were always telling me this ^^)

    Just don't worry too much about "finishing" your picture. Believe me, a good soft sketch is way better than a finished hazardous drawing.

    And every step is more important than the following, when you'll have improve in your observation of the model and when you'll be able to do a drawing that is well constructed, with good proportion, good angles and rythms, you'll see that shading is just a "next step" and it will be easier.

    So keep up drawing and remember to warm up with short poses before getting to the longer ones.

    And i almost forgot one thing, when you will get to the longer poses, having more time means that you have to take advantage of it in the construction of your model, so you take more time to put the structure and the main base of your drawing, you use this extra time to make it way more precise, not to put more details.

    I think that's it.
