Are you a photographer? Do you want to contribute to Line of Action's photo collection? It's now easy to do! Make sure you're logged into your account, and visit the photo bundles submission center.
Did someone send you this link and you're not sure what Line of Action is? Meet us at the end of the page for an intro.
What do you get?
It's up to you whether you want to offer your photos to the community free of charge, or whether you'd like to participate in our profit sharing program and charge a small fee for your photo bundles.
If you choose profit sharing, we'll split any profit on direct sales of your photo bundles with you 50/50.
Both free and for-profit photo bundles will always show your photographer's credit when they appear in our study tools, as well as a link to your website if you wish.
What are we looking for?
Full body poses from a diverse range of humans that would be useful in teaching fine artists anatomy, composition, or value studies.
We're looking for diverse skin colors, body types, and ages. Both nude and non-nude images are accepted. Creative, energetic poses are encouraged.
In addition to our full-body figure study tool, we're also accepting photo submissions for our animal study tool, an expressions tool (close-ups of heads, typically from the shoulders up) and a hands and feet study tool.
We're NOT looking for glamour shots or sexy poses. We're also full up on young, fit, white women.
Photo submissions FAQ
How will I receive my payments?
Can I submit photos that I found online?
I know you require signed model releases, but what if I don't have one of those?
Exactly how much will I make?
For full details and the fine print, read our photo bundle and profit sharing policies.