First upload!

by Octobear, September 17th 2018 © 2018 Octobear
I know this is only the one figure, but I just joined and am still navigating around here! Let me know if you see something here that stands out to you and tips to fix them! :)
Octobear is here!!! haha well, here is some of the thoughts I had on your drawing. hope it helps!

Thank you for taking the time to give me a informative and super helpful critique. I’m feeling very motivated now that I have something to focus on improving!!
Im glad you found it helpful! if anythings unclear just say so, my brain usually jumps all over the place when Im trying to explain stuff :3
Polyvios Animations
Hello and good morning, Octobear, and welcome back. Say, you're doing and you have done an excellent job on your gestures, spaces, relationships, and forms.But....

All I can see are a bunch of itchy lines and stiff posing. Would you like to please try our interactive drawing tutorial here, please?

The reason why you could and should go ahead with our tutorial is because of two reasons: 1) To broaden your visual observations, and 2) to help you relax your drawing hands and arms for drawing and therapy in general.

Let's hope this has helped and benefited you, but if wanna improve your learning curve, please pick up an Audible of Daniel Coyle's The Little Book of Talent.

