Mannequinisation II
© 2018 Rosenhips
Hello all, Thanks very much on the feedback from my 1st post.
I've gone back to the same mannequinisation exercise, and I think the shapes are a more simplified this time. As for the proportion, I think I may need some more opinions.
Feedback / critique, is appreciated as always.
I agree with Pilot. I'd try to go a step further and connect the joins according how the muscles would attach, from there on you could experiment with shading and develop first full shaded characters.
Hello Yuuxoon,
That's a good idea to take it further, but I'm not very familiar with the muscles just yet. Maybe it's worth a look around online for references for the muscles.
Thanks for the feedback.
That's a good idea to take it further, but I'm not very familiar with the muscles just yet. Maybe it's worth a look around online for references for the muscles.
Thanks for the feedback.
take it easy, you don't have to make it perfect at first. What matters is to make mistakes, because thanks to them we develop our understanding.
A good place to learn anatomy: https://human.biodigital.com it's free and lets you explore the entire body in 3d. =)
Thanks very much for the link, Line! Really good and helpful resource!
Polyvios Animations
Good morning, Rosenhips, and greatest job on your forms, forces, edges, and spaces of your figure mannequins, but they all seem too rigidest to me yet. Why don't you just please go ahead with our interactive drawing tutorial here on our website?
The logical reason why is because, your mannequins will be sketched out the least stilted, but the most dynamic, flowing, but therefore, fluidest, and also, to be the least involved on the stilted details, but the most spontaneous motions of the poses.
For most details, look into the following 5 PDFs:
Drawn to Life Vol. 1
and 2
Vilppu Drawing Manual
[url=chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://ia801902.us.archive.org/15/items/Human_Anatomy_for_Artists_Eliot_Goldfinger/Human_Anatomy_for_Artists_Eliot_Goldfinger.pdf]Eliot Goldfinger's Human Anatomy[/url] and
Bridgman's Complete Guide to Figure Drawing
My hat's off to you.
The logical reason why is because, your mannequins will be sketched out the least stilted, but the most dynamic, flowing, but therefore, fluidest, and also, to be the least involved on the stilted details, but the most spontaneous motions of the poses.
For most details, look into the following 5 PDFs:
Drawn to Life Vol. 1
and 2
Vilppu Drawing Manual
[url=chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://ia801902.us.archive.org/15/items/Human_Anatomy_for_Artists_Eliot_Goldfinger/Human_Anatomy_for_Artists_Eliot_Goldfinger.pdf]Eliot Goldfinger's Human Anatomy[/url] and
Bridgman's Complete Guide to Figure Drawing
My hat's off to you.
Thanks for the suggestion and feedback. I've had a go at drawing the proportions of overweight people, and it was a bit of a challenge, but worth it.
Thanks again.