© 2019 leofelco816
Take some time with the hair and shading. Make the details count if you're going to draw them (neck, shirt collar) Otherwise just leave them out. Other than that, great job on perspective and positioning. Excited to see more! :)
Thank You, linchausti. I agree that the details do count and I have to become more determined even when under the timer. I have a tendancy to just rush those issues when time is low. I will improve in the future. Please keep watching and commenting. It is appreciated!
This is my first comment on the critique, .-.
They hair you might want to draw as where the hair growing. not just darking the hair.
This is my first comment on the critique, .-.
They hair you might want to draw as where the hair growing. not just darking the hair.
Thank You, Ishigami614. I have been told about the hair issue. I will improve this in the future posts.