Human Bodies (Nude)
© 2019 3mily 1
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 10 minutes in length.
My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses.
Your drawing seems to be good but you seem to skip to the inking and detail stage too quickly. The line flattens out the body. If you try to ‘wrap’ the line over the body then you can draw out the volumes better and not have the flatness
3mily 1
Thank you, I’ll try that!
3mily 1
Thank you, I’ll try that!
Something I began to learn recently was that line quality is super important when it comes to displaying volume and movement in figure drawing! It's one of those elements that elevates a figure from being stiff to being full of life! I would recommend starting your figures using very very light and very fluid, pencil movements! Then gradually as you start adding more detail to the figure, try to be selective about where to add more weight to your lines. Here are some great examples of the difference that line weight makes!
3mily 1
Thank you! I really appreciate it!