Greatest works on your range of action and gestures of your hands and feet, yet these are still too stiffest to me yet. Would you like to loosen up but lighten up your lines of action and rhythm with 6 minutes of 30 second hands and feet, all flipped horizontally, then flipped vertically.
As a result, your range of movement and motion will be drawn out the least stiffest, but the most dynamic, energetic, but fluidest yet hilarious.
For most details, look into the Sarah Simblet book, Anatomy for the Artist, to study warmups of hand and feet, and many more.
Good luck to you, and your marches of learning, and thanks.
As a result, your range of movement and motion will be drawn out the least stiffest, but the most dynamic, energetic, but fluidest yet hilarious.
For most details, look into the Sarah Simblet book, Anatomy for the Artist, to study warmups of hand and feet, and many more.
Good luck to you, and your marches of learning, and thanks.