19 secs as adviced

by Naima, October 21st 2023 © 2023 Naima
Trying to drop loose lines
Polyvios Animations
Great work on your light touches of your figures, Naima, but they look or seem too choppy yet. How would you like to please go ahead with 70 minutes of 18 second poses, all underhand, but all from your non-dominant hand? ((70x60)/18≈233 scribbles of poses)


42-36=6, 60-54=6


The reason is because, your attitudes will become more quick but slick, but appear to have been all done in one complete stroke, but to seem a bit more into the big picture than you're used to.

For more details, look into the Coyle book, The Little Book of Talent
Exaggerate a new movement.
My hat's off to you.
Hey there,

I usually go as low as 30 secs at max, havent heard of 19 secs. Anyway, in this short amount of time you can only draw the most important lines, which are the action line and the few complamentary that may or may not be in need of. So, draw the head and find the gesture for the neck, then find a line that captures the story of the pose from head to toe, sometimes one line isnt anough, thats ok, but try to use one line flow for that then you attetch the limbs also each with one simple line.

Forget the contour, the little bumps and any possible detail, this is a less than a minute drawing is only gesture or failure (ouh so dramatic haha, but true).

Good drawings,

Great journey, cheers!

