© 2024 Paige Honey
Hello! These are two drawings I did as part of a 30 minute session (Left: 5 Minutes, Right: 10 Minutes). A struggle I'm having is with using measurements to get more accurate sizing-- I tend to measure in "heads--" using two fingers to approximate the length of the head, and then moving down the body in increments to see how long the figure should be.
However, I am still ending up with proportions that don't look quite right, especially in the legs. Any alternative techniques or advice would be much appreciated!
Advice/feedback on other elements of the drawings would also be awesome! Thank you for your time
Polyvios Animations
Welcome again, Paige Honey. Great job on your great senses of edges, forces, spaces, and of course, proportions and angles. I understand that your proportions don't always look great on your first try, but that's okay to say so. Please keep on working your real smart.