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Tx Williep
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July 30, 2020 8:59am #26010So I'm new to this forum and life drawing in general. I want to get better at proportions and rendering, but I find that my quicker sketches(less than 1 min) are really sketchy, and I lose the proportions and figure when I'm rushing. I also don't know how to make things more fluid in general, either.
These are some sketches that took longer, around 5-10 minutes, all criticism is very much welcome!!
Lionleggs edited this post on July 30, 2020 6:02am.
July 30, 2020 2:18pm #26012Hi, theres are really good drawings here, i think for improve yourself you should make drawings session:
start with 1 min drawings were you trys to understand the form with longs lines, you cans also make one lines drawings.
after this "warm up" go for 5 min drawings and add some details but keep doing long lines, the goal is to capture the shape and dont loose the good shape with the details.
and then you can go for 20min drawing and do a lot of details.
Yours drawings are really good, you just need to make you comprehension of the shape more instinctive and that why i advise you to make a lot of 1 min drawings.
keep drawings and take pleasure bye !1 3-
Petipo edited this post on July 30, 2020 11:27am.
July 31, 2020 8:02am #26015August 1, 2020 12:32am #26018August 4, 2020 4:07am #26032I absolutely love and adore your potential sketches, lionleggs, good for you. I
f I was to give an honest and sincere critique, it would be that you should better focus on your bold and lighter gestures, drawn using your shoulder; instead of just your wrist, in 10 minutes of 30 second sketches. The reason why you should do that type of drawing practice is because, your lines will become even more confident, and self-confident, and nothing terribly scribbly.
Hope you'll have found it accessible and helpful. Take more care, and have a great evening.
Polyvios AnimationsAugust 4, 2020 4:53pm #26036I really like your drawing, especially the anatomical contour and overlapping around shoulder gardle is really fantastic.
I wanna give you critique, but I'm not a pro, and so please take my comments with a grain of salt.
Most of the textbooks and teachers tell us to avoid symmetric shapes around the major axis.
Some parts that have cylindrical base forms tend to suffer from this problem, like arms and legs, and I find this kind of problem in your drawings.
It can easily be fixed by just shifting apex of the curves just a little bit, which gives the drawing so-called rhythm and flow.
Anatomical knowledge may help to create asymmetric shape in some cases.
2August 5, 2020 11:19pm #26039I looked at your pictures. As I understand it, you are concerned about the short time sketches. In these sketches, you can not fool around. These short times are to develop your skills in observation. You have to get the movement in the figure. I start with the head on the shoulders. Quickly sketch in the movement of the body, the legs, and arms. This should give you a good idea of the body & its layout. Your time is short. You can now fill in whatever details you can.
Your drawings of full figures are very good. I would suggest you study muscle and skeletal structure. The more you do this, the more you will see this information in the body you are drawing. I would suggest you follow the procedure suggested above.
Keep practicing. Practice makes better!1 -
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