Hi Akiresa,
I hope you are still out there and gesturing away!
Sorry that you haven't revieced an earlier reply here.
Welcome to the forum and thanks for the post!
There are lots of good stuff going on in your gestures.
You could concentrate more on where the force of the character is going.
You could ask yourself, "Why are the hips being pushed out like that?"
Where is that force coming from? That would be an ending point in the line of action.
Also try looking into perspective and attempt drawing blocks in perspective.
This will help you build up more control.
We all start at the beginning and the only real advice is practice, practice, practice, but also don't forget to study ;-)
I have only been gesturing for 18 months but you can see my progress and what I've changed and tried out on my blog. I use this site and:
http://quickposes.com for practising.
You can find me here:
http://wordslye.com +
Kind regards,
P.S.: come back and show us more, soon!