Hello Katie.
I think you're doing good in capturing the feeling of the poses. THe next step I think would be to do some longer drawings, of 5-10 minutes, so you'll be able to make your figures more solid.
Best Regards, Breno
Thank you. I've gotten this same advice from a couple other people, so I know what I'm doing next. Do you have any advice on what to look for in a longer drawing? I always get into trouble not knowing what details are important.
Some good exercises for 5-10 min poses are the mannequinization of the figure. In these studies you draw the figure as a simplification made of simple forms: cylinders for arms and legs, boxes for torso and hips, an ovoid for head, etc.
The goal of this kind of study is to get a grasp of the solidity of the figure, both on the paper and in your mind, so you can make your drawings to look more 3D.
If you want a more complete explanation about this (and examples), look for the mannequinization lesson in a youtube channel called "Proko". There's a whole free course in figure drawing there, by the way.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards, Breno
edited this post on January 10, 2021 7:42pm.
That link is an amiable job, KatieOfConrad.
I think you're doing a great job on your 1 minute poses, because of how dynamic, energetic, and vital they look and feel.
Still, I've got one tiny improvement: I love the fluidity of those lines with feeling, but I'm not getting enough feeling and cartooniness from those lines. Why don't you please be more confident with those edges, in 4 minutes of 59 second warm-up poses?
The reason why you'd do these is because, those lines will become smoother and bolder, just a teeny-weeny bit, even if they loose form and detail. As a result, this could be most vital into boiling things down to their basic foundation.
Good luck to you, and I hope you'll find this completely and totally approved by all of us.