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  • #25827
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    Hi ! Those are great !

    It's really hard to critique quick poses, but I think they need more structure. To do so you can try to simplify your drawing, and focus on the skeleton. Keep hard edges on the joints only and soften the curves between them.

    To illustrate it you can look at the work of Ryan Woodward : http://ryanwoodwardart.com/my-works/conte-animated/

    Of course you will not have this level in your next session (+ his shading skills helps a lot but don't pay attention to it for now), but his style can maybe inspire you. You already start your drawing with a strong guideline and that is really good, you can continue your by adding other strong lines like often the hips and the shoulders (you can see Ryan did them on almost every drawing), and from there you will quickly have a solid base for your character.

    Also I'm not a fan of color pencils for this type of exercise. I think it would be better with a tool on which you can have more control on opacity and thickness. A 2B-4B pencil can be good :)

    Keep it up !
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