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  • #30487

    Wow. I appreciate you immensely for such a thorough, and detailed response. Glad to hear this structure seems to be on the right path for trying to improve in imaginative figure drawing.

    I have also heard great things about some of the sources you have recommended (DrawABox, Proko, Force Drawing), so I'll make sure to try them out in full. I definitely agree about the concept of "force" seeming a bit abstract. I watched one of Mike's videos awhile back and was completely lost, but perhaps going through his book sequentially will help elucidate his process. So many people swear by it so there must be some nuggets of artist wisdom that can be gained from it, but of course, I imagine even great courses/books don't connect for everyone.


    A common line of advice I have heard for being able to draw figures in dynamic poses from imagination is to (1) become competent in manipulating simple primitives in 3D space, (2) practice drawing the simplified mannequin of the human body, and (3) build up visual library through gesture drawing.

    Do you believe this is accurate advice? If so, are there any good books/courses/resources that can walk a person through this process (i.e. constructing the figure from imagination)? If not, what would you recommend?


    @Polvios Animations That sounds like an interesting exercise. Is there a specific reason on why you suggest using the left hand to complete the drawings?


    Thanks for all the feedback. Will make sure to keep these in mind as I continue drawing


    Hello everyone. I have been using this site for a few months now to practice drawing the figure. Here is a session I completed yesterday. I would appreciate any critique.

    Figure Drawing Session