
  • 作者
  • #2335
    I like the fluidity in your line work Steve. One thing you should keep in mind is the forms and structure of the figure. It seems like you were focusing on the outlines and in doing the the drawing lacks a sense of form overall. You should think about how the body parts fit into each other.
    You've got good line control.

    To improve at drawing you first need to focus on learning how to draw. Learn the basics of perspective and how to draw simpel threedimensional forms. Any object can be related to a sphere, box or cylinder, so learning how to properly draw these will give you a solid foundation for drawing everything else. The human figure consist of three dimensional forms;it's not flat! To draw it properly you need to learn to think in 3D.

    Once you've learned how to draw form it's a matter of analyzing the form of the particular object you want to draw, be it a car, animal or a human.

    Visit DrawingFORCE.com for more information on how to draw with FORCE.
