Figure Drawing Jan 2021 4th pic

by dilandoubishop, January 16th 2021 © 2021 dilandoubishop
4 out of 4 drawings that made the cut. This one I dislike the most. I had to redo this drawing the 2nd time and it still didn't turn out right. I still feel as though I didn't capture the gesture right. The proportions isn't good either. I'll still be drawing but I won't be able to upload much since I am a Doodler member. Comment, Critiques, advice are always welcome. Stay Frosty
Polyvios Animations
Hey dilandoubishop,

Nice work on your figure drawing. I really love how much weight and balance and perspective in that pose above.

If I was to suggest a critique, and listening to what you've said, I really see some of the body gesture creeping in there. Why don't you please do 93 more minutes of 60 second (1 minute) poses?? The reason why???? Because, it not only allows, but encourages you to be more holistic in capturing the poses as quickly as possible. And if you want some more information, check out this link here. My hat's off to you, and I hope you've found these definitely and clearly kindly and encouraging.
After I study some anatomy from Bridgman, I'll get around to your study suggestion. Thanks for stopping by and dropping off that suggestion.

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