© 2021 Ahawara
This is one of my finished portrait drawings, which again I try to complete in 4 hours. This one took far more!!
To Da Ji
HI, I sugegst to make the whole parts of the body as one flow of action, you seem to separate each body part into its own shape and then as they are attached to each other there seem to be a little flow from part to part. Particularly the neck join as well as the ears. Love the action of the eyebrow and the lips, however, I would also suggest to work on the eye proportionality - I suggest practicing a mirror match to have the eyes similar to each other. Otherwise - great job.
Thanks very much for your comments. Merry Christmas and happy new year
If this is a final drawing, go darker. Much darker. If you need to use the pencil scale to get even more tones into this work, do it.
I feel if you do this, your illustration will be even more dynamic. Primarily if you focus on how the light hits the face, then dramatise it even further.
Maybe write the story of why the model has that facial expression. I find if I write the back story, my drawings are better because I understand the narrative I am trying to communicate to my visual audience. Not every jot and tittle need be in the picture, sometimes nothing really makes it in the actual image, but still, that image is always more compelling when accompanied by a secret narrative.
All the best,
JCML Fine Art
If this is a final drawing, go darker. Much darker. If you need to use the pencil scale to get even more tones into this work, do it.
I feel if you do this, your illustration will be even more dynamic. Primarily if you focus on how the light hits the face, then dramatise it even further.
Maybe write the story of why the model has that facial expression. I find if I write the back story, my drawings are better because I understand the narrative I am trying to communicate to my visual audience. Not every jot and tittle need be in the picture, sometimes nothing really makes it in the actual image, but still, that image is always more compelling when accompanied by a secret narrative.
All the best,
JCML Fine Art
Thanks for your critique.Merry Christmas and happy new year
The shading is developing on point; just where naturally needed give more contrast in tonal as you get further along. Hope this helped. Great job!
Yes it does. Merry Christmas and happy new year
Polyvios Animations
So, ahawara, I'm really falling in love on how much time and detail you have spent on making your facial portrait the most gorgeous as it could. Awesome work on your face gesture.
I'm thinking of how much your face is lacking in caricature of your lines of action and flow of motion. Would you please free up your hand with 3 hours of 30 second expressions, with some images in this. It's from a website called, Animation Resources, and it has tons of inspiration on the internet from all over the world, for artists, animators and cartoonists, like you.
Objective: To make your faces and expressions less bland, and the most cartoony, lively and expressive.
It's totally worth it. Hope this helps.
I'm thinking of how much your face is lacking in caricature of your lines of action and flow of motion. Would you please free up your hand with 3 hours of 30 second expressions, with some images in this. It's from a website called, Animation Resources, and it has tons of inspiration on the internet from all over the world, for artists, animators and cartoonists, like you.
Objective: To make your faces and expressions less bland, and the most cartoony, lively and expressive.
It's totally worth it. Hope this helps.
My intention in drawing this portrait was not to draw a cartoon. Anyway, Merry Christmas and happy new year.
Your portrait is very beautiful! Try to create more contrast by adding more lighter and darker tones, the picture will pop up more!
Thanks for your comments, just to note that I wanted this portrait to be low contrast.
Ohh I love this a lot! I love how you define the face and lighting with the soft fuzzy shading.
If you want more definition maybe dry using harder/darker lines for like, really dark areas (ie the cheek bone to the left and where it connects to the neck as well as around the eyelids). I think that would add a lot of depth and definition to the face.
If you want more definition maybe dry using harder/darker lines for like, really dark areas (ie the cheek bone to the left and where it connects to the neck as well as around the eyelids). I think that would add a lot of depth and definition to the face.
Thanks for your comments, just to note that I wanted this portrait to be low contrast, hence no harder darker lines.