Day 4
© 2024 Shadonis
Flight improvement from yesterday, I did start improving on judging the rib cage size however, despite my best efforts my proportions are still very off. I seem to be able to account for perspective fairly well, but the proportions are screwed up even when there is no perspective to account for which tells me that I need to find exercises regarding proportions. I would greatly appreciate anyone who has suggestions regarding where to find proportion practice or exercises that would Aid me in proportions.
Greater but nicer job on your finer display of forces, spaces, and forms and anatomy of your figure in terms of hips, ribcages, and limbs. I think you're no getting somewhere again, furthermore, I still feel that these attitudes are still too stiffer in terms of line quality. Would you love to go ahead with 47 minutes of 1 minute attitudes? (47 sketches)
THE REASON: So that you can, shall, and will, and must be more and more selective with your figure attitudes in terms of parts and/or wholes. Trust me, please, your quick sketching will improve even more dramatically with bolder consistency. For more info, please look into another Drawing Life video down here👇👇👇:
This one is about drawing figures in a sketchbook.
Good luck to your march of progress!