New features: greyscale and image flipping

We've been enjoying our new site and server for just over a week now, and the moving dust is starting to settle. Forum participation is way up, a steady stream of images has begun being uploaded to the site (and receiving critiques where requested!) and a flurry of bug fixes have gone out over the past 7 days.

This morning, I get to announce a great new feature has gone live!

You can now choose to display practice images as black and white for values study, as well as flip the practice images horizontally and vertically for more advanced exercises in drawing what you see.

A screenshot of the drawing tools, with the new buttons circled

These buttons are only available to members who have a full subscription. Redeeming your backer code counts! :)

Additionally, these features will only work in relatively modern browsers. If you're clicking the buttons and nothing is happening, we strongly recommend running a browser update.

Progress on other features

As promised, we're still on track to release a first-time-drawing tutorial, in-class drawing tips and guidance and add two new "official" photo bundles by the end of the month. Keep an eye on the news or our Facebook page for further announcements as these (and other) features go live.

Looking for your backer code?

A quick reminder that ALL backer codes have now been sent via email. If you supported our fundraiser and for some reason have not received yours, please contact us at

First-ever 7 day streak badges

The 7 day streak badgeI also want to extend a congratulations to the following 7 users, for being the first people ever to unlock the new "7 day practice streak" achievement badge: Line, Gordon Bennett, cregenbo, axmchr9004, Windmill Key, jodimation, and Edgardo

Keep practicing, friends! You're doing amazing!


thats really cool
Windmill Key
I saw you talking about the flipping feature in the forums and got really hyped!
I am Definitely going to make use of that down the road when I'm able to afford a subscription;;

Also hurrah for achievements!! /highfives fellow 7 day streakers
My streak/counter on-site reset itself to 0 after 4ish days and has been at 0 ever since (despite drawing every day ^^;) so I was surprised to see my name in the list haha

Rock on, fellow LoA students :3
Kim - Site admin
re: streak counter reset, that is exceedingly odd and exactly the sort of thing I'd love to receive a bug report about! :) If it's happened to you it's probably happening to others. I'm glad it still figured out the actual streak well enough to unlock the achievement for you though. :)
Windmill Key
Sorry bout that! I think I had half meant to submit an inquiry/a note about it but kept getting distracted until this badge announcement showed up haha;; the only vaguely relevant info I have to offer is that the days I DID notice it counting, I had gone to the studio first to check on prior progress, and then refreshed After I had finished drawing for the day -- on the day I noticed it had reset to 0, I think I hadn't checked the studio until After I drew (if at all that day*? I'm not 100% sure sadly).

I'll keep an eye on potential specifics down the road;;

Although I do have a question -- where exactly do we see the achievements? I glanced at the profiles thinking to see them there but... I may just be blind haha.

(Btw I love that we get a little bell notif at the top for replies to comments! and that replies also show up in studio activity. super handy! Keep up the great work :D
Kim - Site admin
It's okay, we're all getting used to things! :)

The badges are on profiles for doodlers and full subscribers. Yours are hidden right now. I still felt it was worth acknowledging the first ever accomplishment, just this one time :)
Like the new features! I think the streak reset might tie into how the time counter works. Unless that issue has been solved where people from the EU count their time as if they were US.
Kim - Site admin
Maaaaybe, but then it wouldn't make sense for it to be correct at the end of the week? Either way, we'll get to the bottom of it :)
Oh another thing Kim - I don't think the weekly critique counter is resetting? at least mine hasnt, just letting you know
Kim - Site admin
Thank you! Putting it on my list. :)
Sanne - Site moderator
I LOVE this, and just in time for my practice goals!
Oohh, what do you guys think are the benefits of greyscaling?
Sanne - Site moderator
It's very beneficial to help you with understanding light and shadows (aka 'values'). Colored photos can be more complex to dissect and study for tones and depth, but reducing it to grayscale simplifies it. Most people who study values start with grayscale for this reason.

I found an interesting article on this!
Mx. Abi
Oh wow that is such an amazing feature!

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