First off, the first piece is really nicely done! The hair looks so pretty, and the colors work really well together. That being said, I feel like the shapes are a bit vague. I think that working on a bigger canvas would allow you to add more details.
If you blow bubbles, you'll notice that they are essentially clear, but also reflective. So, in your piece, they would be the same color as the back ground, and have some highlights reflecting the foreground. Perhaps changing the background color to the bubble's light blue, that could really make the picture glow! :)
For the second picture, I love the hair! Clearly a strength for you :) The pose is also very cute. However, one thing that i think you could add is shadows. The shine on Percy's hair indicates strong lighting, so there should be strong shadows on the figures. I also like their eyes, but I think the couple would stand out even more if you added some variation to their face shape, noses, and lips. It might be helpful to you to go onto
facity.com and try simplifying people's features.
I'm looking forward to more art from you! Let me know if you need any clarification on any of my comments :)