200 Gesture Drawings Challenge (AFD Week 1)

Home Forums Critique 200 Gesture Drawings Challenge (AFD Week 1)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Polyvios Animations 1 year ago.

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  • #30208

    I'm fairly new to figure drawing, just recently starting after completing DrawABox. I'm following an analytical figure drawing approach to learn the human figure, and for my first week, I challenged myself to draw 200 gestures. I forgot to mark each gesture/page with times, but all of them are between 1 min and 5 min. I'm looking for a general critique of these figures before I move on to some actual anatomy stuff.

    200 Gesture Drawings Challenge: https://imgur.com/a/jfG4w2T

    Sorry some of the pictures aren't the greatest, old Samsung plus light marks and rough newsprint aren't a great combination and I didn't feel like editing each individually because it would take forever.

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    Greatest work on your figure drawing gesture sketches, Curiqus, but I love how much lightness but looseness you're getting into your lines, but before you move onto any actual anatomy stuff, but your lines are still not their liveliest but largest yet. Would you care to try out or interactive drawing tutorial here on this website?

    The reason why is because, your forces and forms will be drawn the least awkward but least contrived, but the most confident but rapidest that I will ever see from your Imgur. For most information, please look into studying gesture drawing the torso here on this short.


    Hat's off to you.

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