Welp, eteng, I really gotta say that you're really showing yourself on the right track and setting up for success. The two great things that I like about your drawings so much is how much elegance and charm in your figures and your character design doodle. I am SO in love with your gesturalness and anatomical realism in your hand drawings. Great job at all of these three genres of drawing.
So, to say that you're practically new at your drawings of figure drawings, I'd say that some of the figure drawing landmarks, specifically the legs and butts are very fluid and solid, and subtly lively, yet I'm not getting enough of the boldness, the power, and the audacity in the sketches. Would you please free up your hands with an in-website online drawing tutorial here?
The reason why you should do this tutorial is because, your forms and forces will become the least rigidiy and the most expressiveness in the line weights, gestures and fluidity, and energy.
Good luck to you and your journey, and happy scribbling.