
School: Self taught Where in the world: Fontana California, US

About Raster1990

Self described "Trash Monger".

Been drawing off and on ever since grade school. Lover all things horror and gory, an appreciator of all things beautiful, and a dabbler in smut.

Came here to try and improve my talent and maybe find the confidence to try and make money off of art.

Raster1990's achievements

Pencil to paper achievement badge
30 minute class achievement badge
30 day streak achievement badge
5 total practice hours achievement badge
1 total practice hours achievement badge
2 total practice hours achievement badge
20 total practice hours achievement badge
10 total practice hours achievement badge
14 day streak achievement badge
35 total practice hours achievement badge
75 total practice hours achievement badge
50 total practice hours achievement badge
100 total practice hours achievement badge
150 total practice hours achievement badge