Forum posts by 0606060606000

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  • #32399

    i feel your frustration! you mentioned re-animeifying your work, did u experiment with other styles as well? i found once i moved away from anime completely that my growth became a lot more exponential as it just wasnt the style for me. you may need to just find your style of specific anime, and that could end up being far from your inspo. from looking at ur inspo tho, it looks asthough those artists err on the side of realism rather than the stereotypical anime, so referencing photos of real faces when drawing anime could help with that if u dont do that already. one big thing that helped me find a personal style was drawing only for myself and my enjoyment rather than forcing myself to aim to 'improve' or make the piece look good in its rendering stages. That helped with both anatomical and style freedom. In ur later pieces u do have the technical skill, bit of a bitter pill to swallow but it simply may take time to develop something youre routinely happy with. if its getting really dire, a bad little thing i did was to just straight up copy a piece from another artist i liked and in the process i ended up personalising it just through the act of drawing it myself and accidentally generated a style very different to what i was copying by repeating that a few times. Religiously sticking to one colour palette (not the curated ones from pinterest or the front page of coolrs but one randomly generated or generated from a work u like, i use procreates create palette from image function) will also help with consistancy even if u feel ur style isnt there yet. once u feel ur more developed deviation will be possible(happens naturally) and youll see your style shining through regardless of palette :D