
School: Politechnika Wrocławska Where in the world: Wrocłąw Lower Silesia , PL

About Light_Tails

Well hello there!
My name is Gabriel and I'm a first-year Academy of technology student. For now, I'm only doing some sketches to learn some basics like anatomy, proportions, perspective and all that funky stuff. Hope I'll be able to help others as well!

Light_Tails's achievements

1 hour class achievement badge
2 hour class achievement badge
Asked for critique achievement badge
30 minute class achievement badge
100 total practice hours achievement badge
2 total practice hours achievement badge
50 total practice hours achievement badge
35 total practice hours achievement badge
10 total practice hours achievement badge
75 total practice hours achievement badge
1 total practice hours achievement badge
20 total practice hours achievement badge
5 total practice hours achievement badge
Pencil to paper achievement badge
Tutorial completed achievement badge

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