Forum posts by Paladin Ryczek

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  • #2633
    Thanks for the prompt replies, I guess that makes sense. It's just that drawing is such a big skill to tackle that I just get lost in an ocean of things to practice on. But I'll just work on getting proper construction for now. Cheers!
    Yes exactly, they will be the foundation for your construction, but as Sanne says you should try to capture the pose with as few lines as possible not to make your gesture stiff.
    Hey Abi, I heard a anime artist (which I cant remember the name of :E) once describe why we're never going to be satisfied with our art and it really struck true. "If the eyes are level 10 the hand is level 5, if the eyes are level 15 the hand is level 10, but if we like what we draw the eyes have stopped improving". So maybe you've just been on a higher eye level and need to put down the time eh? :-)
    Hey wk28, from what I understand there's not just one line of action, but to keep it simple the line of action is the where the movement (the action) is taking place, the weight and how it is flowing in the movement. The major one being how the spine is being activated. I'm just a dabbler in drawing so I can be completely wrong but this is how I have understood it. Hope it helps!
    EDIT: there we go
    Hey! New here and just have to say that I really enjoy the site. Im struggling with construction and what techniques to use, it's just that I can't get a concrete thing to build on. Should I just pick one and go with it? e.g Reilly, loomis or w/e, I'm working on anatomy too, it's just that I struggle getting my figures in perspective in composition. I can't redraw my characters with the same shapes and forms not having my construction down and when hear I should use different things from circles to simple boxes, triangles, cylinders, ect... gets kind of confusing. I guess I partially answered my own question but I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Any input is appreciated. Thanks in advance!